The largest supplier and seller of saffron throughout Europe, Saffron King Business Company

Buy original saffron with guarantee

what you will read in this article...

Wholesale saffron with test sheetBuy original saffron with a guaranteePrice per kilo of pure saffronSale of tested saffron by the kilo
Centro vendita zafferano sfuso

How to buy original saffron with a guarantee from Saffron King Business?
What items are tested in saffron wholesale centers with a test sheet?
In this section, you can see the price of each kilo of pure saffron.
What is the minimum selling amount per kilogram of standard saffron?
We will answer these questions in the following.

Buy original saffron with guarantee
Buy original saffron with guarantee

Wholesale saffron with test sheet

One of the guaranteed ways to buy original saffron is to buy with a laboratory certificate.
Various tests are performed on saffron, the most common of which is test number 259.
In each of the saffron tests, different characteristics are tested.
The most common options that are tested in the lab sheets are:
1. Type of saffron
2. Dyeing rate (crocin)
3. Amount of fragrance (picross)
4. Safranal
5. Humidity level
6. Color and additives
Of course, other cases are also tested at the request of people.
In general, about 30 cases are carried out under the title of 259 tests.
We mentioned the most common characteristics that are needed and tested in the above cases.
You can see the price of each kilo of pure saffron on

Buy original saffron with a guarantee

There are different ways to buy first-class saffron with a quality guarantee.
Usually, the most reliable method is to buy from a saffron farmer.
When we buy the product directly from its production center, the quality is guaranteed.
The price of the product is much more suitable than the market sale.
But how is the authenticity of saffron determined?
One of the most obvious fake saffron is:
1. Using artificial colors
2. Using corn stigmas
3. Colored meat strings
4. And many fake saffrons that exist in the market of all kinds.
But what is the most important secret of the original saffron buying guide?
In addition to the above, the purity percentage of saffron is another effective factor determining the original saffron.
For example, when we buy super precious saffron, we order pure super saffron, not a mixture of different types of saffron.

Buy original saffron with a guarantee
Buy original saffron with a guarantee

Price per kilo of pure saffron

Pure saffrons have higher prices.
This is why we see several prices for each type of saffron.
The factors that cause the price of saffron to fluctuate in the market are:
1. Volume of buying and selling
2. Between supply and demand
2. Currency fluctuation
But other factors determine the price of each kilo of saffron:
Type of saffron
Cleanliness percentage
Pure percentage
Type of packaging
And several other factors that we have reviewed in full in previous articles.

Sale of tested saffron by the kilo

Different amounts of red gold are traded in the wholesale market.
The minimum order amount is one kilogram and the minimum sample amount is 250 grams.
To deliver saffron with a test sheet, usually, the order amount should be one kilogram to be economical.
Of course, sometimes smaller orders such as 500 grams are provided with this certificate at the customer’s request.
The cost of the saffron test sheet is determined according to the items that are tested in the test.
Also, this cost is the responsibility of the buyer.
In wholesale, a test sheet cannot be used for all orders.
Because sometimes even the saffron that is harvested in the high part of a farm is different from the product that is harvested in the lower level parts of the farmland as a result of the laboratory.
This difference may happen due to more or less availability of the product in different parts of the farm.

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