What is the income of saffron planting in 2022?
what you will read in this article...
Initial capital for planting saffronIncome and cost of planting European saffronPrice of Saffron bulbGreenhouse saffron cultivation trainingSaffron harvest in the first yearIncrease income of saffron planting with 3 guaranteed solutionsThe highest harvest of saffron per hectareIncome for planting saffron at home without soilWhat is the harvest of saffron in the first year of cultivation?
Will the income of saffron planting increase in 2022?
Read the cost of planting European saffron and the income of planting saffron at home without soil in this article.
Saffron King Business Company organizes online and in-person greenhouse and traditional saffron planting training courses.

Initial capital for planting saffron
One of the most common questions that most applicants have about growing saffron in a greenhouse or farmland is:
How much initial capital do they need for planting?
Answering this question requires a series of information about the applicant project.
1- What is the area of the space that he wants to dedicate to planting saffron?
2 Does he want to plant saffron in a greenhouse or on a farm?
3 – What tools and equipment are currently available
In the following sections, we examine the role of each of these three factors in estimating initial capital as well as saffron planting income.
Income and cost of planting European saffron
Planting saffron is one of the common and popular methods of producing saffron in greenhouse environments.
The amount of space we give to this type of cultivation is very important in our
income as well as the cost of planting.
For example, in a space of 50 meters, the number of shelves used is less than more spaces.
Also, the devices that we use for heating and cooling the environment are less than
a space of 100 meters and more, both in terms of purchase cost and the amount
of energy consumption in a 50-meter environment.
Naturally, the income that is obtained from the product obtained
in the space of 100 square meters and above has an economic justification.

Price of Saffron bulb
After the costs of equipping the greenhouse space, it is important for farmers to get a saffron bulb.
Depending on the weight, size and quality of the bulbs, their selling price will definitely vary.
It can be said that there is a direct relationship between the cost for Saffron bulb and the harvest.
This means that buying a good quality Saffron bulb equals more harvesting and better quality.
Of course, the management of greenhouse space at the time of production of this product is very crucial.
Greenhouse saffron cultivation training
Consecutive droughts and climate fluctuations have led farmers in recent years to cultivate saffron traditionally for many years.
Tend to cultivate the crop in indoor spaces.
Setting up and managing indoor planting space requires special expertise.
Saffron King Business Company is active in planting, producing, selling and exporting red gold.
Greenhouse saffron cultivation training courses in this company are held by experienced training staff.
For information about the time of the classes as well as the conditions for attending these courses,
you can contact the company’s planting training department.

Saffron harvest in the first year
Saffron bulb usually produces less saffron in the first year after planting.
In the field, a good quality saffron bulb usually flowers between 5 and 7 years old,
and if it has suitable temperature and humidity conditions, the harvest will increase every year.
Saffron bulb flowers are almost the same in the greenhouse.
On average, in the first harvest, between 100 and one kilogram of pure saffron
will be produced for a space of 100 meters.
Of course, if we manage our greenhouse space using scientific methods and
under the supervision of a planting specialist, we will achieve the desired results.
Increase income of saffron planting with 3 guaranteed solutions
There are various scientific and experimental solutions to increase saffron harvest per hectare.
Timely pest control is one of the ways to increase production.
Timely and proper irrigation
Use fertilizers appropriate to the texture of the farm soil
And other things can improve our production.
The experts of the training unit of Jahan Saffron Diamond Company will examine
your project specifically.
After reviewing the project, they will provide you with specialized and
guaranteed accounts related to planting saffron in your farm or greenhouse.
The highest harvest of saffron per hectare
One of the important strategies in increasing the productivity of planting space and
naturally increasing the income of saffron planting is the use of scientific methods in crop production.
Saffron bulb health is better maintained if field soil is tested and fertilizer is injected into the soil.
Proper maintenance of Saffron bulb, we have the highest yield per hectare.

Income for planting saffron at home without soil
There are many people who want to produce saffron in their home space due to
personal interest or other reasons.
In fact, planting saffron in pots and at home is not economical, but it can meet household consumption needs.
If we have space in the yard that we can dedicate to the greenhouse, it will definitely
be a capital investment for us in the future.
This space can be part of a backyard or an unused warehouse.
For optimal use of spaces that are not used in your home,
contact the company’s planting training unit to provide you with the best way to use that space.