Saffron prices in Spain
what you will read in this article...
Wholesale saffron in EuropeThe price of one kilo of saffron in MadridSale of Iranian saffron in Barcelona

The export of saffron to Spain is mainly done in bulk.
As we all know, the type of presentation and packaging of premium saffron determines the price of saffron in Spain.
For example, the packaging price of one kilogram of Iranian saffron is different from the packaging price of one gram of original saffron.
Also, the type of pure saffron packaging is included in the price of saffron in Spain.
The price of saffron in Europe in euros is regularly updated on the sites of this online saffron store.
Wholesale saffron in Europe
As mentioned in the previous articles, selling a kilo of saffron to Europe has a good profit.
Wholesale saffron in Europe in bulk saffron is more common than selling one gram of Iranian saffron.
European countries buy Iranian saffron in bulk.
And they offer premium saffron in packages suitable for their domestic market.
Saffron King Business Company has a high activity in the field of saffron wholesale in Europe.
Contact us to buy saffron +4917687913876
The price of one kilo of saffron in Madrid
Madrid is the third largest city in the European Union.
For this reason, the sale of kilograms of Iranian saffron and the partial sale of original saffron in Madrid are well done.
The price of one kilo of saffron in Madrid varies according to the company providing pure saffron.
The Saffron King Store sells the price of a kilo of Iranian saffron between 1.5 and 2,000 Euros in Madrid.
The sites of this online saffron store also announce the price of one kilo of saffron in Madrid on a daily basis.
In addition, this price per kilogram of pure saffron is presented separately for Iranian saffron.
Sale of Iranian saffron in Barcelona
Barcelona is the most populous city in Spain.
It also has a very advanced internal communication network.
Sales of Iranian saffron in Barcelona are booming.
The high quality of premium Iranian saffron is known in all Spanish cities.
The sale of a kilo of pure saffron in Barcelona is more than the sale of one gram of Iranian saffron.
Saffron King Store sells Iranian saffron in Barcelona at the production price.

Sale price of bulk saffron
It was mentioned earlier that the sale of bulk saffron takes precedence over the partial sale to Spain.
The selling price of bulk saffron is economical for Spain.
The selling price of bulk saffron is different for different types of saffron.
For example, the selling price of Negin Mumtaz saffron is different from the selling price of exported saffron.
The selling price of premium Iranian saffron has been updated as the daily price of the original saffron on our sites.