Saffron local suppliers in bulk
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Where does saffron grow best?Focal suppliers of saffron in bulk
There are different types of saffron local suppliers and each has its own characteristics. If your criterion for choosing a good saffron is all red; Saffron will not be a part of it because it has whiteness. If your criterion is the size and appearance of saffron, Sargol Mumtaz saffron will not be included due to the brokenness of some strands.
Where does saffron grow best?
In recent years, saffron is planted in many provinces. However, Khorasan Razavi and South Khorasan provinces alone account for 90% of saffron production. Ghaenat saffron is harvested from saffron farms in Ghaenat region of South Khorasan.
The climatic conditions of this region are such that the saffron flowers that are harvested from the fields have large and high quality stigmas with a colorful color, therefore, Ghaenat saffron is one of the best types of saffron in the country. Our company located in Khorasan province, is the sales representative of Ghaenat saffron.
The difference between our company and other saffron sales centers is that we supply saffron without intermediaries. Our company is one of the most reputable wholesale centers for bulk saffron, which offers a variety of saffron to the customer after laboratory approval. After harvesting saffron, saffron is processed and cleaned by trained people and then in the store; Saffron is sent packaged or in bulk all over the country.Therefore, you must first determine your criteria for determining the quality of saffron. We will explain more about this in the following.
If you are familiar with different types of saffron, you know that each type of saffron nutrition data has its own characteristics, for example, straw saffron has some white, but saffron is all red or saffron has broken and small stigmas, but saffron Therefore, when buying saffron, the most important thing is to know the types of saffron so that you can compare different quality grades. For example, premium saffron saffron has finer and finer strands.
Focal suppliers of saffron in bulk
People who intend to export saffron buy saffron in bulk and in kilos. Iranian Saffron Importers are looking for high quality and reasonable prices to supply their desired saffron in order to make more profit. The supplier of saffron must also have its own conditions. One of these conditions is permanent access to saffron so that whenever the buyer orders, he can supply saffron in high quantities on time.
There should be no restriction in the supply of bulk saffron, ie if the customer wants straw saffron in kilograms in one season of the year and Sargol bulk saffron in another season, there should always be different types of saffron. In our company, different types of saffron with different quality grades are offered with saffron analysis sheet and in unlimited quantities. Customers who intend to buy saffron for export are offered quality bulk saffron, and customers who intend to buy cheap saffron for home use, there are different types of saffron with second and third grade quality.