Prices of saffron in Khuzestan and export saffron in Ahvaz
what you will read in this article...
Online purchase of exported saffron in AhvazBuy first class saffron at the best priceHarvesting saffron in IzehPrice of saffron in Khuzestan in packagingSale of major saffron in Khuzestan provinceSaffron sales agent in Saffron Almas Company
Which store is the largest wholesale saffron sales center in Khuzestan province?
What is the price of saffron in Khuzestan today in packages and in bulk?
Buy first class saffron at the best price online or in person ?!
Prices of saffron in Khuzestan and export saffron in Ahvaz
Online purchase of exported saffron in Ahvaz

A high percentage of the inhabitants of Khuzestan province are Arabic speakers.
The Arabs have long had a good knowledge of red gold and its authenticity.
Saffron Almas Store sells the best types of red gold in the cities of Ahvaz, Khorramshahr, Dezful, Andimeshk, etc.
We buy saffron for export online in Ahvaz through the store site.
Buy first class saffron at the best price
Online shopping: Visit the online store site or complete the contact form on the company’s sites.
In-person visit: Bulk purchase of the product is usually the best option in-person visits to sales offices.
Experience buying first-class saffron at the best price in the saffron Almas store.

Harvesting saffron in Izeh
Khuzestan province is one of the provinces that plants and produces red gold.
In recent years, the area under planting this crop in the plains of Khuzestan has regularly increased.
Price of saffron in Khuzestan in packaging
The selling price of red gold in Ahvaz market is between 7.800 to 13.9800 million Tomans.
When a customer buys a product in a package, the price varies.
The price of saffron in Khuzestan in the form of packaging increases between 4 to 6 thousand tomans per gram.
Sale of major saffron in Khuzestan province

Saffron King Collection sales office is located in Ahvaz.
A variety of products are offered in this official representative of
the company with two brands, Almas zaffran and Saffron King.
Kilo (bulk) sales and retail sales are done in bulk.
The price of saffron in Khuzestan and all its cities is distributed at a fixed rate by the representative of this company.
Saffron sales agent in Saffron Almas Company
This company can provide sales representation all over the country.
Applicants who live in different cities of Khuzestan can announce their readiness
to cooperate in sales with our collection.
The company’s experts are available 24 hours a day and provide you with
the necessary guidance to buy or cooperate in sales.