The largest supplier and seller of saffron throughout Europe, Saffron King Business Company

Saffron export data in 2021 on the market

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What country has the best saffron?Export data of the best saffron in 2021

Saffron export data in 2021 on the market is accompanied by good growth and our collection has been able to attract many foreign customers by producing this quality product and export this product to other countries at an affordable price. For more information about Saffron export data in 2021 on the market, visit our site.

Saffron export data in 2021 on the market

What country has the best saffron?

What country has the best saffron? Iran has the best saffron and exports this product to other countries. Afghan saffron and Herat saffron won the world award for the best saffron in the world for the first time in 2014. The World Taste and Quality Testing Institute organized the annual food exhibition in Brussels, Belgium. In this ceremony competing with more than a thousand kinds of food products; Afghan saffron won the award for the best saffron in the world, and this trend was repeated in 1994 and 1995.

Of course, these results seemed predictable, given the political issues in the region and the impact of Western countries imposing economic sanctions on Iran and hitting Iranian agriculture. The history of saffron cultivation in Iran is very old. Then he went from Iran to Greece and Rome. During the Parthian period, Iranian saffron was exported to Rome, then Iranian saffron was exported to China during the Mongolian period, and China became one of the customers of saffron in Iran, and of course it is. Saffron is said to have become popular in Kum during the Sassanid period.

Saffron, which went to Arab countries in the Islamic period, became familiar with the cultivation method in the countries around the Mediterranean, so Morocco is one of the saffron producers in the world. Without a doubt, Iranian saffron is the best in the world and this has been proven for everyone. In order to export saffron, we have to consider many points, including the needs of the counterparty in the target country.

The title of best Iranian saffron for export will differ on this basis and according to the opinions of consumers or foreign customers in this field. Some people call Gonabad saffron as the best saffron for export in Iran because of its global registration and unique fragrance, some say that Torbat Haydariyeh saffron has big and beautiful pens and some say Ghaenat saffron (fame). For more information on saffron importing countries visit our site.

Export data of the best saffron in 2021

Export data of the best saffron in 2021 Export data of the best saffron in 2021 is possible by our collection and we deliver these products to the customer at a reasonable and up-to-date price. So you can visit our site for more information about the largest exporter of saffron.

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