Price of Iranian saffron in Ghaenat region
what you will read in this article...
One gram of saffron in the marketThe main price of saffron is updated dailyThe latest major saffron price listThe daily price of saffron in TehranBuy and sell bulk saffronPrice of Iranian saffron in Ghaenat regionBuy the major saffron of Ghaen Khorasan
In most of the red goldfields of Khorasan, the harvest is nearing completion.
In this article, we review the price of Iranian saffron in the Ghaenat region and the latest price list of major saffron this year.
What is the buying and selling rate of one gram of saffron in bulk in Tehran and Mashhad markets today?
One gram of saffron in the market

One of the success factors in red gold retail in any market is the variety and quality of product packaging.
The appearance of the package
Maintain product quality
Appropriateness of the amount of product that is included in each package
For example, one gram of saffron package sells better in the market.
Retail sale in glass cups is more popular because it protects the product from corrosion and an interesting appearance.
The main price of saffron is updated daily
This month, the red gold market experienced unprecedented inflation.
Within a few weeks, the price of a kilo of saffron increased by about $ 890.
Changes in product sales rates are observed in the market on a daily and daily basis.
For this reason, on the websites of the Saffron King collection, the main price of saffron is updated daily and instantly.
The latest major saffron price list

From the beginning of this week, we are witnessing the cessation of the uncontrolled price of red gold in the Mashhad market.
It is predicted that prices will finally stabilize in the next two weeks and we will see a significant reduction in the buying and selling rate of red gold.
Today, each kilo of premium jewels was sold in the Tehran market with 25,500 million and the highest price of 29.6 million.
The daily price of saffron in Tehran
The main sale of Sargol Mumtaz Ghaenat today was bought and sold for 24.300 million per kilo.
Each gram of Saffron King first-class red gold was offered in a special package between $ 3.
You can get the daily price of saffron in Tehran and other cities daily from this website.
Buy and sell bulk saffron

Bulk sales of Ghaenat red gold in bulk and hot have almost stagnated these days.
Buyers and sellers are waiting for the market to reach relative stability and be able to start their economic activity.
Experts estimate that the market will soon return to normal.
Of course, we will have an increase in the purchase and sale price of bulk and hot saffron, but with a more balanced trend.
Price of Iranian saffron in Ghaenat region
The red gold harvest season in Gezik and other planting areas in Birjand is over.
This year, red gold farms harvested about 50 percent less than in previous years.
This issue played an important role in the excessive increase in the Price of Iranian saffron in the Ghana region.
Buy the major saffron of Ghaen Khorasan

Saffron King Company is a wholesaler and exporter of first-class red gold in the Caen region.
South Khorasan Saffron Diamond Sales Branch is one of the most important saffron buying offices in Ghana Khorasan.
Sales in all branches and representative offices and branches of the company in bulk.
Retail sales are carried out in a specific circulation and mainly by the company’s sales branches.